The Key to Happy Customers? Happy Employees
Why “Tell Them Something They Don’t Know” Is Bad Advice for B2B Sales
A Lack of Sponsorship Is Keeping Women from Advancing into Leadership
A Lack of Sponsorship Is Keeping Women from Advancing into Leadership
A Lack of Sponsorship Is Keeping Women from Advancing into Leadership
Chief Operating OfficerA Lack of Sponsorship Is Keeping Women from Advancing into • August 19, 2019, 2:00 pm It’s time to rethink how sponsorship works.
Why “Tell Them Something They Don’t Know” Is Bad Advice in B2B • August 19, 2019, 1:36 pm And what to try instead.
The Key to Happy Customers? Happy
Elevate Agile & Go Beyond the Realm of Practices
Elevate Agile & Go Beyond the Realm of Practices

Elevate Agile & Go Beyond the Realm of PracticesLeadingAgile • August 19, 2019, 4:50 pm The unpleasant truth is that Agile has become a commodity.
Everywhere you turn, well-intentioned Agilists are having the same old tired conversation about implementing a certain set of practices or…What to Do When You’re Bored at WorkProject Management Resources • August…
What Supply Chain Transparency Really Means
Why Are We So Bad at Choosing the Right Job?
The Challenges (and Triumphs) of a Young Manager
Julie Zhuo, Facebook’s VP of product design, started at the company as its first intern and became a manager at the age of 25. Like many first-time bosses, she made many missteps and acted how she thought managers were supposed to act. Eventually, she grew to find joy in the role and today she leads hundreds of people. She says that becoming a great manager also helps you know yourself better. Zhuo is the author of the book “The Making of a Manager: What to Do When Everyone Looks to You.”
via VWCG.Com
Should a Pension Fund Try to Change the World?
Harvard Business School professors Rebecca Henderson and George Serafeim discuss the impact investing efforts of Hiro Mizuno, CIO of GPIF, Japan’s government pension fund. He says that improving corporate governance, increasing inclusion and gender diversity, and addressing climate change would expand Japan’s economy. But, should a pension fund try to change the world?
via VWCG.Com
181 Top CEOs Have Realized Companies Need a Purpose Beyond Profit
The Business Roundtable’s new letter could mark a turning point.
via VWCG.Com
Spatial Agglomeration and Superstar Firms: Firm-level Patterns from Europe and US
Spatial Agglomeration and Superstar Firms: Firm-level Patterns from Europe and US
Chief Operating OfficerSpatial Agglomeration and Superstar Firms: Firm-level Patterns from Europe and USHBS Working Knowledge • August 20, 2019, 3:01 pm
Should a Pension Fund Try to Change the World?HBS Working Knowledge • August 20, 2019, 2:06 pm
181 Top CEOs Have Realized Companies Need a Purpose Beyond • August 20, 2019,…
Team Collaboration Software: 3 Must-Have Features for Productivity
Team Collaboration Software: 3 Must-Have Features for Productivity

Team Collaboration Software: 3 Must-Have Features for ProductivityProject Management Resources • August 20, 2019, 2:30 pm The promise of technology doesn’t always coincide with reality, but this is not the case with team collaboration software. Social media might be working out the kinks, but in business, team…
The Challenges (and Triumphs) of a Young Manager
The Challenges (and Triumphs) of a Young Manager
Chief Operating OfficerThe Challenges (and Triumphs) of a Young • August 20, 2019, 1:15 pm Julie Zhuo, Facebook’s VP of product design, started at the company as its first intern and became a manager at the age of 25. Like many first-time bosses, she made many missteps and acted how she…
What Supply Chain Transparency Really • …
Learning Is Supposed to Feel Uncomfortable
When to Take Initiative at Work, and When Not To
No, WeWork Isn’t a Tech Company. Here’s Why That Matters
The kind of company it is influences investors and its valuation.
via VWCG.Com
What Machine Learning Teaches Us about CEO Leadership Style
What Machine Learning Teaches Us about CEO Leadership Style
Chief Operating OfficerWhat Machine Learning Teaches Us about CEO Leadership StyleHBS Working Knowledge • August 21, 2019, 1:14 pm
Improving Customer Compatibility with Operational TransparencyHBS Working Knowledge • August 21, 2019, 1:01 pm
No, WeWork Isn’t a Tech Company. Here’s Why That • August 21, 2019, 2:29 pm The…
How do you Track Value in an Agile Transformation?
How do you Track Value in an Agile Transformation?

How do you Track Value in an Agile Transformation?LeadingAgile • August 21, 2019, 2:25 pm There are a lot of vanity metrics floating around in Agile. The fact of the matter is it doesn’t matter how many ScrumMasters you run through a CSM class, it doesn’t matter how many people you train,…
Cost Estimation for Projects: How to Estimate AccuratelyProject Management…
Super Bowl Ads Sell Products, but Do They Sell Brands?
Super Bowl Ads Sell Products, but Do They Sell Brands?
Chief Operating OfficerSuper Bowl Ads Sell Products, but Do They Sell Brands?HBS Working Knowledge • August 7, 2019, 3:07 pm
Re-thinking customer acquisition: What you cannot measure sometimes matters most
Re-thinking customer acquisition: What you cannot measure sometimes matters most

Marketers should use attribution reports to assess trends and relative impact but it’s a slippery slope to draw big conclusions from absolute numbers.
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